CS3542: Information Security


Q1. List down the possible security issues that can occur in an organization. What techniques can be applied to resolve these issues? 

Q2. Briefly explain the CIA triad.

Q3. Distinguish between passive attacks and active attacks. What are the various forms of these two attacks?

Q4. Two communicating parties are using public key infrastructure how they would achieve authentication and data integrity of the messages. Justify your answer with a figure.

Q5. Convert the given plain text into cypher text by rail fence cypher. Key depth is 3.

        Plain Text: "Computer science students are very brilliant."

Q6. Construct a Playfair matrix using the keyword "intelligent" and encrypt the plain text "security issues" using this matrix.

Q7. Using the Vigenere Cipher, encrypt the plain text "cryptography", and the keyword is "House". Write down its ciphertext?

Q8. Consider encrypting the plain text " nowadays it does not cost too much to make international phone calls" using columnar transposition. If the agreed-upon key string is "PLANET", what would be the ciphertext? Show your transposition table. Use 'X' as the filler character to complete the table.
