Use commas to separate numbers of four or more digits into thousands, millions, billions, etc.
Do Not use commas in years, house numbers, telephone numbers, ZIP codes, serial numbers, page numbers and decimal fractions.
- 1992
- page 1803
- 222-5478
- 34267 Main Street
- .78540
- New York, NY 10023
The following suggestions adhere to generally accepted rules for number usage:
- Write all exact numbers above ten in figures.
- We expect 18 employees to attend the meeting.
- Only three supervisors volunteered for training.
2. Use words to express round and approximate numbers.
- We have over three hundred employees at that location.
- Twenty-five copies of the report were distributed by the secretary.
- The secretary distributed 25 copies of the report
5. Use words to express adjective numbers.
- Next year marks the twenty-third anniversary of the company.
- She will be twenty-one next March.
- Payment on the complete order is due 30 days from delivery.
- The procedure is described on page 356.
- The advertisement stated that there would be a 30 percent discount after the holiday.
- The temperature fell to 22 degrees.
- The office is 18 by 33 feet.
- If you look at page 218, 15 rules are cited.
- The reward will consist of 100 twenty-dollar bills.
- $3
- $6.75
- $4,800
- $145.50
14. Amounts of money less than $1 should be expressed in figures comined with the word cents unless they are used with related amounts of $1 or over.
- The price of the newspaper increased to 75 cents.
- The fees for copying the items were $.4.00 , $.55 and $2.85
15. Use figures and words to express round amounts of money in millions or billions of dollars.
- $3 million
- $10 billion
16. Repeat the dollar sign before each amount in a series of dollar amounts.
- Rent for office space ranges from $2,500 to $6,000 a month.
17. Use words to express an amount of money at the beginning of a sentence. It may be advisable to reword the sentence so that it doesn't begin with the amount of money.
- Seventy-five dollars was the quotation he received.
- He received a quotation of $75.
- 8 a.m.
- 9:30 p.m.
- 11:35 a.m.
- 12 noon
19. Use words to express time when used with the word o'clock.
- eight o'clock
20. Use a colon when expressing hours and minutes. Do not include zeros when the even hour is expressed. Do not use a.m. or p.m. with o'clock
- 5:30 p.m.
- 8 a.m.
- eight o'clock this morning
21. Use figures to express house and building numbers except one,
- 56 East 72 street
- 9078 Broadway
- One Fifth Avenue
22. Use words to express street numbers ten and below. use figures for street numbers above ten.
- Second Avenue
- West 96 Street
23. ZIP codes are expressed in figures preceded by the two-letter state abbreviation and two blank spaces.
- Williamsburg, VA 23185
- 222-7349
- (516) 222-7348
- Please call (516) 222-7348, Ext. 442, when you arrive.
- April 5, 1992
- November 22
- the 5th of April
26. Use figures to express numbers used directly with nouns, such as page numbers, model numbers, policy numbers, serial numbers and invoice numbers. The noun (except page) is usually capitalized. It is usually not necessary to include the word Number or No.
- Policy 11236740
- Model 200
- No. 3546 (noun is not included)
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